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Your store detective

Caught red-handed – store detectives as specialists in case of inventory discrepancies

Store detective

The store detective actively investigates attempted shoplifting. HEL-WACHT store detectives are trained, have legal knowledge and are skilled in taking de-escalation measures – trust our integrity and competence.

Summary of services rendered by store detectives

  • Checked by the police pursuant to art. 130 Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung – GewO)
  • Undergo constant training
  • Respectable and professional appearance
  • Underwent de-escalation training
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Get a quote.

Call us for more information and discuss your individual requirements with HEL-WACHT.
Contact us now
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Where are store detectives used?

Inventory discrepancies – often, behind this term sounding harmless, criminal acts are hidden which are estimated to cause an annual loss of goods of up to 1% of total retail turnover. In retail, above all, in large enterprises, e.g. department stores and shopping centres, not only technology but also store detectives are used for the surveillance of goods.

Direct surveillance and indirect surveillance by HEL-WACHT

Prevention & information – our specialists reduce inventory discrepancies and solve shoplifting. Both customers and employees are inconspicuously observed by HEL-WACHT store detectives (direct surveillance). As a rule, side-by-side with direct surveillance, surveillance by means of technical equipment, e.g. cameras and monitors (indirect surveillance) is also applied. This combination of services and technology has the greatest chances to convict offenders, in particular, if a store detective is not used around the clock but only under certain circumstances.

By the way: the store detective is often requested from HEL-WACHT together with direct alarm connections / monitoring.

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Did you know?

Shoplifting is the illegal appropriation of goods by customers or employees. It is of utmost importance for criminal prosecution of this offence that evidence is secured correctly. The quality of image recordings serves as proof for the store detective and plays an important role because the offender has to be identified on the material without any doubt.


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