Transport & logistics
HEL-WACHT assists logistics specialists and freight companies in their warehouses and on the road. Security tasks range from guarding logistics centres and their critical infrastructure to escorting the transport of goods or monitoring vehicles and goods with GPS systems – track and trace.

Security for vehicle and goods
We protect your transport with armed or unarmed staff, no matter whether by car, by van or in containers. We protect your consignment all the way to the destination. 24/7 surveillance of vehicles secured by GPS and alarm systems is performed all over Europe. In this process, support and intervention are guaranteed for drivers and vehicles with partners in the ETSA network (EuroTraffic Security Alliance) in the local language. We ensure that your drivers, vehicles and goods arrive safely where they are expected.
With “Infostar”, HEL-WACHT also offers technical solutions for the localization of vehicles and their freight. A crash sensor detects an accident and notifies the alarm receiving centre, including the position of the vehicle. In case of emergency or an accident, you press the emergency button. You can rely on time-sensitive processing. In this way, in case of technical failure, a security service can be sent to guard the goods, or the whereabouts of the vehicle can be reported. The received alarm is tracked with the tracking function. The alarm signal stays on the “radar“ of our EN certified centre until backup by the police.
Logistics specialists, freight companies, agricultural and construction machine manufacturers and private persons figure among our clients who wish to protect their valuable vehicles. Emergency, accident, vehicle theft – we are there to help.