HEL-WACHT Bewachungsdienst GmbH
A-1210 Vienna, Scheydgasse 37
Phone: +43 1 52174-0
E-Mail: bewachung@helwacht.at
Seat: Vienna
Business Register Court: Commercial Court Vienna
Business Register Number: 129191 m
VAT identification number: ATU37953504
Chamber affiliation: Economic Chamber Austria, General Trade Association
Art. 129 and 130 Industrial Code (GewO); Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Labour on access requirements for restricted security trade (professional investigators, guard services), Security Industry Code Federal Law Gazette No. 82, 28th January 2003.
The trade license for guard services comprises guarding of companies, buildings, plants, construction sites, properties and movable goods as well as the operation of emergency call centers.
Safety and control of passenger and vehicle traffic in companies, in buildings, on properties and on traffic routes of any kind, in particular, also surveillance of compliance with legal provisions relating to passenger and vehicle traffic, vehicle and transport escorts if hazardous goods are transported, security checks in passenger and vehicle traffic, also relating to baggage or mail transported or dispatched, safety and control of passenger and vehicle traffic on construction sites, however, without prejudice to the rights of traders responsible for a construction site, provision of transports of money and valuables in vehicles in road traffic, in so far as this activity is not subject to a trade license pursuant to the law on the transport of goods, receptionist services, security and control services during events, plant fire brigade services and plant firefighting crew services as well as vehicle and transport escorts.
Margarete Landertshammer and Ing. Herbert Kritsch
HEL-WACHT Holding GmbH, Wien (ATU40636601)
HEL-WACHT Sicherheits & Kommunikationstechnik GmbH, Linz (ATU51692100)
alcomtec aufzugsmanagement & -notruf gmbh, Wien (ATU51586500)
myStella Hausnotruf GmbH, Wien (ATU68762225)
Vitakt sozialer Notrufdienst GmbH, Wien (ATU38351804)
Erste Bank AG | IBAN: AT74 2011 1285 2584 0700 | BIC: GIBAATWW
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